What Are the Best Jobs to Work Remotely? Top Careers to Work from Home and Abroad

Whether you want to prioritize working from home or around the world, there are a wealth of remote job opportunities in tech, media, business and more.

There’s no denying the COVID-19 pandemic changed our working world dramatically, and one major consequence was the realization that plenty of jobs can be done remotely.

As we were forced to work from home and abandon the office, employees found themselves in a completely new arrangement — one that many people did not want to leave once the social distancing orders were lifted. In fact, according to a recent survey, 68 percent of Americans would prefer to work fully remote.

Unfortunately, not all jobs are available to work from home, whether for obvious reasons (first responders and medical professionals, for example, will always be required to interact with the public), or because an office simply prefers its employees to be on site during the workweek. Still, there are in-demand industries that have a plethora of remote job opportunities, including technology, marketing, education, creative and more.

Below, we’ve rounded up the best remote jobs for those who want to prioritize working from home (or elsewhere) — and the online master’s programs from USC that will help you transition into the field.

Software Developer 

Software developers are responsible for creating the computer programs that assist us with remote work, so naturally, it can be done outside the office. If you have a passion for technology and designing and coding software, this might be a rewarding role for you.

As a software developer, you will construct and maintain different kinds of software programs, ensuring they run smoothly and consistently. It can be done in a freelance capacity or in a full-time role for a specific company, as there is always code to be built.

If you’re interested in learning more about software development, consider the Master of Science in Computer Science (Software Engineering) from USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Not only will it teach you all the necessary skills to succeed in software development, but it will also help you advance in systems engineering, leadership tactics and management skills.

Project Manager

When it comes to making sure a project’s tasks are completed and teams are meeting their goals and deadlines, companies turn to project managers. They’re in charge of a project from conception to realization, and they create a plan, build teams and connect people, monitor progress and analyze results.

While it’s a job that obviously requires a lot of communication, it’s not something you necessarily need to be in an office for — it’s simple enough to run team meetings and oversee a project via a computer.

If pursuing a role in project management sounds like the right career move for you, USC has an online program option: the Master of Science in Project Management (MSPM) from USC Bovard College, which will teach you the ins and outs of the industry.

Marketing Director

Marketing is another field where the majority of work can be done on a laptop, and there is no express need to be in a physical office. Marketing directors are responsible for strategizing, analyzing and overseeing all aspects of a company’s campaign, and they can be either employed in-house or on the agency side.

While, like project management, it does require heavy team collaboration and leadership, many of those discussions, brainstorms and presentations can be done online.

For those who want to explore marketing — and rise up the ranks of the field — USC has multiple online graduate programs to consider. The Master of Communication Management program from USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the Master of Business Administration from USC Marshall School of Business are both good options for aspiring marketing directors.

Financial Advisor

Today, financial information is almost entirely online — whether that’s bank accounts, credit cards, invoices or order forms — which means someone working in finance will mostly be poring over numbers using their computer.

Financial advisors in particular have great odds of working remotely. You can build up various clients you work with via computer technology, or you can work in-house for a company. Either way, financial advisors usually don’t need to be present in an office to get the job done.

If you’d like to learn more about the financial world and becoming a leader within the sector, consider getting your MBA from USC Marshall School of Business or even the Master of Science in Financial Engineering from USC Viterbi, an interdisciplinary program which combines finance, economics, finance and statistics to teach students how to use math and engineering skills and apply them to finance.

Language Teacher

At first glance, teaching seems like the kind of position you’d need to be in person for. But the reality is, there are plenty of people willing to teach students online, especially when it comes to teaching other languages.

After all, who better to educate you than a native speaker? They’re easier to find when you open up the scope to the online community rather than your home city.

You can work from your computer as you hold classes, grade papers, administer tests and communicate with your students, ensuring they’re getting the best learning experience possible.

If you want to be the best language teacher possible, consider getting a Master of Arts in Teaching — Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Online from USC Rossier School of Education. You’ll learn all the skills needed to effectively teach English as a second language, securing the necessary credentials many hiring teams will be looking for.


Writing can be done from anywhere in the world: In an office, at your house and even on the beach. All you need is a stable WiFi connection as you create content on your computer and email it off to your employers.

You can choose to write in a freelance capacity or find a full-time remote job, but there are a wealth of opportunities and subjects to write about. To strengthen your writing skills — and learn more about digital media in general — you could look to a Master of Science in Digital Media Management from USC Annenberg, which would also prepare you to tackle the digital media space.

Similarly, getting a master’s degree in the topic you want to write about — business, finance, travel, human resources and so on — makes you more attractive to hirers.

Graphic Designer

Like writers, graphic designers can produce content from anywhere around the globe. As the title implies, graphic designers create visual concepts, typically on a computer, to convey information about a product, brand, company and more.

That can mean building graphics for web pages, advertisements, apps and other visual content. Since it can all be done with a laptop, it makes for a great remote work option.

If you’re an aspiring graphic designer, the Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology online program from USC Iovine and Young Academy can teach you how to thrive at the intersection of art, business and technology. Not only will you develop design and tech skills, but you will also obtain the business know-how needed to become an effectual leader.

Social Media Manager

It might seem obvious, as social media is an entire online world in itself, but you don’t need any in-office tools to become a successful social media manager.

The nature of social media actually encourages you to work primarily on your phone, and you can operate from your home (regardless of where that is in the world) to edit photos and videos, post to apps, run campaigns, communicate with clients and assess results.

If running social media for a business or client is something that interests you, the MS in Integrated Design, Business and Technology can also help you reach your goals. The degree can equip you with the design skills needed to create a vibrant social media presence, while also imparting you with the business savvy to help a company thrive and increase online performance.

Learn more about online graduate programs at USC today.