Sustainability & The Environment

How to Tackle Climate Change Through Organizational Culture

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How can communication experts effectively promote sustainability and climate change solutions? In this seminar, USC experts share key strategies to address people’s concerns about the environment and reduce their carbon footprints.

Speaking with Q5 partner and USC alumna Jennifer Ladwig, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, a Provost Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Pubic Policy, discusses how to expertly communicate a climate change strategy using psychology insights.

Professor Bruine de Bruin, an expert in behavioral decision-making, draws on some of her latest climate-related research including the World Risk Poll 2021, to offer practical application to real-world challenges and organizations’ sustainability efforts.

Who Will Benefit

– Those who want to understand the psychological factors that can influence consumer decisions and behavior
– Communication specialists looking to promote environmentally conscious choices within their workplaces
– Those hoping to embed a sustainability mindset within their company culture

About Our Featured Faculty

Wändi Bruine de Bruin is a Provost Professor of Public Policy, Psychology and Behavioral Science. She has published more than 125 peer-reviewed publications on the psychology of risk perception and communication, as applied to personal health, sustainability and climate change, as well as household finances. Across USC, she holds affiliations with the Sol Price School of Public Policy, the Department of Psychology, the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, the Center for Economic and Social Research, the Center for Sustainability Solutions and the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE). She is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Decision, Medical Decision Making, the Journal of Risk Research, and Psychology and Aging.

Her research on age differences in decision making was recently covered by Psychology Today and the BBC World’s Why Factor. She currently serves on the National Academy of Sciences committee on mask use and respiratory health. She has served on expert panels for the National Academy of Sciences on Communicating Science Effectively and for the Council of the Canadian Academies on Health Product Risk Communication. With colleagues in the Center for Economic and Social Research, she is running a national longitudinal survey to track symptoms, risk perceptions, protective behaviors, food insecurity and political polarization during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. She is also studying how people’s expectations of others’ behaviors can improve predictions of election outcomes and vaccination behavior.